Are you spending money phone number list on advertising campaigns, only to suffer from low ROI? It is not viable (or reasonable) to keep spending money on poorly performing campaigns. Advertising on phone number list is evolving, and one of the phone number list most notable changes is the ability to target people who have already engaged with your business with retargeting ads. This guide shares everything you need to know about phone number list retargeting - including why you should run this type of ad campaign and the step-by-step guide you'll need to phone number list create your own.
What is Phone Number List Retargeting?
Before we dive into the details, let's start at the bottom and discuss exactly what phone number list retargeting is. Simply put: phone number list retargeting is finding people who have visited your website and then using their data to find their phone number list profiles. You can then run ad campaigns to target those people and convince them to return to your website. Recognized as one of the best social media advertising platforms in the phone number list world, phone number list Ads Manager handles it all for you.
Does retargeting actually work?
You might be wondering if this is just another phone number list marketing tactic that promises the world, only for you to still struggle to prove ROI once the campaign is over. Plus, customers are humans, and humans are complex, indecisive creatures - especially in the phone number list internet age - so our brains are constantly jumping from one thing to another (which is why you probably have a handful open tabs in your browser. you are reading this).
For example: if your customer got distracted during the checkout page, you don't have to lose them forever. Maybe if they see your product in their News Feed, they'll remember how much they wanted it — and complete the purchase. On the other hand, if the person who abandoned their online cart wasn't sure it was worth it, you can run a retargeted phone number list ad to offer 20% off their purchase. This could help you not only to make the phone number list first sale, but also to develop your customer relationship.